Tips to Reduce Bounce Rate of your Website

Reduce Bounce Rate
24Sep, 2019

Before going to the ways which can help you in reducing the bounce rate, you should understand the meaning of bounce rate. When a person (an existing customer, prospect or a reader) visits your website and leaves it without going further to other pages, is known as bounce rate in SEO. Now, the bounce rate is the percentage of the people who have visited the website but leave it without exploring the further website. Having a good knowledge about the bounce rate is really necessary as if your website has high bounce rates, then it means that the landing pages are not well-organized. It is a sign that you need to work more on reducing the bounce rates.

Below are some of the ways which can help you in reducing the bounce rate of your website.

  • Improve the readability of the content: This could be one of the major reasons so as to why customers might be leaving the website. Users want to read a good content. If the website holds large chunks of text, then it is readable. Thus, you should make the website’s content readable enough.
  • Compelling CTA: If your website has good headlines and the content is readable enough, it will attract large number of visitors. But if the CTA is weak, then you might lose the visitors. Your purpose shouldn’t be of increasing the number of visitors, but to convert them into customers.
  • Attract targeted audience: Target audiences are the people who are interested in your products. You need to attract them by some of the online techniques as SEO and content marketing. By doing so, you will attract only people who are interested in your products. This will definitely help you in reducing the bounce rate.
  • Website Design: The design of the website also is a medium that can more or fewer the bounce rates. If you are planning to launch a website, then you should pay attention to the website design to avoid high bounce rates. If you already own a website and there are high bounce rates, then do the required changes.
  • Reduce the loading time: According to the latest researches, it has been found out that most of the users leave the website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. Thus, reducing the page loading time is one of the best ways in reducing the bounce rate of your website.

The above mentioned bounce rate tips are provided by SEO experts. I am confident that following these tips, you can win over your bounce rate.

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